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  • Backlinks in Google Play App Store Optimization

Backlinks in Google Play App Store Optimization

Importance of backlinks for Google Play app optimization.

Backlinks in Google Play App Store Optimization

It’s been a crazy week of the longest January ever. About an hour after I sent out the newsletter last week a Business of Apps email links to this AppTweak App Store vs. Google Play blog post which is a little more in-depth than my rambling.

This post did mentioned Google Play backlinks again so I did some digging to find actual data sources to back up these claims. With the help of chatGPT I shifted through dozens of articles only one from Yellowhead actually showed test data.

  • Techmagnate: Discusses the role of backlinks in increasing referral traffic, enhancing keyword relevance, and indirectly impacting App Store rankings, along with best practices for ASO backlinking.

  • App Radar: Emphasizes the importance of a fully optimized ASO strategy before building backlinks, with practical ways to build quality backlinks for app visibility improvement.

  • Yellowhead: The only 2017 data - experiment on link building strategies for ASO, detailing different approaches and their effectiveness. Data was inconclusive.

  • MobileAction Blog: Advises focusing on quality content for link building and the importance of a comprehensive ASO strategy for better app visibility and engagement.

  • RankMyApp: Discusses the role of Google Store backlinks in ASO, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a comprehensive ASO strategy.

I will continued investigating but until theN… AppTweak have added a backlink tracker tool: https://www.apptweak.com/en/aso-blog/google-play-store-new-backlinks-tracker-tool!
